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Education: training the trainers

On July 2nd we had a full-day training session for vocational training professors from Valencia and Alicante. The event was co-organized by CEFIRE Alicante, BitMetrics, Robotnik, Universal Robots and OnRobot.

During the morning, teachers received theoretical training on how to use computer vision combined with artificial intelligence, explored collaborative and mobile robotics as well a different grippers that increase automation possibilities. Inspiring applications with industrial and R&D use cases were shared to showcase the possibilities of the technology.

Also Robert Asensio, a robotics professor rom IES Jaume I (Ontinyent) had the opportunity to explain the implementation of artificial intelligence-enabled applications in the classes.

During the afternoon all the participants had the chance to put in practice the contents by means of a hands-on experience in different stations for the technologies introduced in the session. In summary, a full working day devoted to knowledge and experience interchange.


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